The first JavaFX application I have ever developed is called diez
Recently, the country's telecommunications regulator mandated that every country-internal telephone call must be placed using ten digits (hence the name):
- Either two or three long-distance code digits, plus
- Either seven or eight local number digits
This has prompted the development of a lot of mobile apps to help users edit their contacts list to fit the new criteria. The downside of almost all these apps is clear: the free ones will make money by abusing your personal data (by, most likely, grabbing a copy of your whole contacts list and then selling it to the highest bidder); the other ones must be purchased.
Since I have less than a hundred contacts in my phone, I went and modified each of them by hand; but my wifey wants an app to do it automatically for her. The problem is that she won't use a free one (for obvious reasons) but she can't purchase one either (she doesn't want to give her CC info to Google), so the only two options that remain for us are:
- To create a mobile app and then find a way to side-load it (this won't work because of another obstacle: her phone is running out of storage).
- To create a desktop app and have her do the roundabout process of first exporting her contacts list, then using the desktop app, and finally reimporting the list back to the phone.
We decided for the second option. So here I am, researching how the hell JavaFX works. I have to admit that there is not a lot of documentation; the official OpenJFX site has very sparse documentation which amounts to, basically, set the development environment up, letting you run and play with a couple of demos, and then leaving you to your own devices.
So I'm reading Pro JavaFX 9. Stay tuned.